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20 years of loyalty


20 years of loyalty

From the series collection to individual hotel room furnishings

The Hotel Terrace*** in Engelberg has long been a valued client of VOGLAUER HOTEL CONCEPT. In 1999, the Swiss winter sports hotel equipped its hotel rooms with the VOGLAUER “Europa” series collection in beech through the then specialist dealer. VOGLAUER HOTEL CONCEPT is now responsible for the renovation of 86 rooms.


These hotel rooms of tomorrow will impress with their unique charm, coordinated with the individual wishes and requirements of the hotelier and their guests. The renovation is scheduled for completion before Christmas 2019. A show room provides a preliminary comparison of the rooms between 1999 and 2019.


The renovated rooms from 2019 will shine with their modern design and 1920s flair. Dark furniture in walnut look provides the backdrop – elegant fabrics, colour accents in niagara green and large-scale digital prints create special features. Furthermore, the indirect lighting provides an ideal atmosphere.